Thursday 17 May 2012


I have a great day today. I went for sing k session from 2pm to 7pm. It really help me to relief myself though. I wish to thanks my course mate, i know they really worry about me so much and they wish to accompany me to go through all this. Seriously i really appreciate what they did. Although final is near but they still wish to spend time wish me. I glad to have them as my course mate. Yes, i know final is near, OPH, what you need to do now is study, not for anyone is for yourself. Really study is the right thing you need to do now, after final there is lot time for you to settle your problems. Well, i really need to concentrate on my studies anyway. I have 堕落 for about 5 days, 5 days have wasted just like this. I really have to do something on this if not i really feel so sorry to myself and my parents. 父母养了你二十多年,不是要你在一个人面前受委屈... Sorry mummy, i really have no courage to tell you my problem and i just don't want you to worry about me. This will make me stronger and tougher, i will grow up better after this hardship. There are many things waiting for me to do. 我希望,这世界因为有了我,而会有一点点的不一样 ~

Besides, i really want to thank my best friend, Ah Pek who accompany me gone through all this and sorry for letting you worry about me. I shouldn't be so selfish.. I never think of how much you all worry about me. Really, 谢谢你们,爱我的每个人~ and because you all, i have the courage to stand up again!!! 感恩有你们的陪伴 ~


  1. you know I will see this so u write me in heh.. wakakaka!But I am proud to appear here wohoooo~

    Really glad to see your progress from day to day. and really relieve to see that you are more relieved now. Really really happy to see that. My instinct tells me that our OPH is soon back! Keep it up :) Will always be there for you. 我撐你!!!

    Of course you mean something to this world! without you I wont appear on a blog!
    without you I wont have you this nice+kind+lenglui best friend! :)
    <3 xoxo!

  2. wow someone reply me~ yea coz is you all let me stand up again and again~ let me intro my coursemate to you~ they are ying rui, pei chiew ( weihc het) in facebook, ah beng ( kim ming) and eric chia my besties~they really got yi qi one..know me got something happened then want purposely drive all the way from hall and come find me in the midnight~because i know you all so worry me then i also paiseh let you all keep worrying me...:) you all are the best!!!!!!!!
    yea i'm glad that god arranged me to know you in high school (alpha),without you mayb wont have the person who I'm today..i like your happy go lucky attitude~

  3. Glad that you found ur besties in university! haha intro pulak, yeah when i stalk u i saw some people got tag u in posts de..i tink i noe them wakak :D
