Friday 17 August 2012


有些人,表面显得没一回事,伪装得非常坚强 ~

没错,其实我在说我自己~ 我非常讨厌这样的自己~ 我讨厌自己的逞强~ >.<

其实我并没你们想象中的那么坚强~ : (

我讨厌那个逞强面带笑容对他微笑的自己 ~ 当做若无其事跟他闲聊的自己 ~ 过后自己却挺不顺的抱头大哭的自己 ...  T.T

我讨厌离别时他依然对我微笑挥手~ 对我而言却是不堪一击~ 因为他可以当着若无其事.. 而我,还在为过去耿耿于怀 ~

我并不恨他,也不讨厌他,我是恨我自己为什么那么不争气 ... 为什么就是那么放不下 ~ 总在遇见了他后才知道自己是那么的脆弱~ 那么的放不下~

现在,我害怕遇见他~ 因为我知道自己还没有勇气用真真的自己去面对他~


拿得起,放得下, 谈何容易~ 又有多少人真的做得到?? 抱歉, 我现在做不到~ 只是现在而已~

Monday 13 August 2012

梦想 ~ ~

           有一天的下午,我看见了这个帖子 “ 世界上最遥远的距离不是生与死,而是我就站在你面前你却不知道我爱你,世界上最遥远的距离是明明知道彼此相爱却不能在一起, 世界上最遥远的距离是明明无法抵挡这股想念却还得故意装作丝毫没把你放在心里”。

     有些人,明明相爱却无法在一起,有的人明明每天在一起却不相爱。 =.=

          近来,有位朋友在努力追回以前的对象,身为朋友的我只能当他有需要时在旁做聆听者。不要小看这个角色,因为在人生里我们都扮演着不同的角色,有主角,配角,kahlehfeh 也好,都很重要对不?不然一部戏也不能顺利上演。
          朋友的勇气让我甘拜下风,他的努力,他的成熟 。看来,以往的过错真的让他成长了起来。有时人是要失去后才懂得珍惜的。这句话我在多数的朋友身上都看见了。当然他的对象也是我的朋友,我希望他能用心体会,放下过去·,冤冤相报何时了~ 
          放下过去的厌恨和愤怒何尝不是一件好事?换个角度来看,也许会看到以往所没体会到的~ 希望朋友们都能得到自己想要的幸福~ 幸福在于你的定义是什么。

          看见每个人都好像在忙着,为自己的梦想追逐,而我,又做了什么?我想毕业后要到新加坡赚我人生中的第一桶金 !!! ( money money $$$$ )  =)

          I MISS YOU !!!! 



Monday 6 August 2012

幸福与幸运只在一念之间 :)

    幸福的我们,有权力选择,挑食 - 什么吃,什么不喜欢吃;去什么名校,穿怎样的衣服 . 可是,在世界的另一方,我们有曾想过有人却每天为了食物而奔波,甚至食物就是他们所谓的  “ 希望 ”。 我们不愁吃,不愁穿,而他们看见我们提着大包小包的食物,就向我们冲来,就连完整的衣服都没有,有些小孩还裸体走来走去。就像蜡笔小新,他也挑食不吃青椒。所谓的"同人不同命" 就是这么一回事。这些都是他们想要的吗?他们不是不想选择,而是没得选择。我们都是吃热热,睡冷冷,而他们呢? 30 hour famine 不是开玩笑的,30 小时没吃, 到最后的时候会手脚发软~ 当 30 小时后的第一口面包,你会发现它是人间美食~~ ( I'm serious ) haha~

     When i passed by the village, the way they look at us is like why we all are so different from them. May be they think that why our dressing is different from them? Although they are not educated, but the general manners is still there anyway. When we passed by, they will say hello to us,it shows that they are so welcome us. The children there are just sitting on the floor with sand and playing with bottle all those stuffs. It's definitely have a big gap compared to the children in the city here which children owned their own phones, ipad, and computers. Some of the children are having big tummy there, but their legs and hands are so skinny. It should be Kwashiokor which lack of protein.  Education is very important for children, but too bad they don have the chance to be educated. But for us, we have the chance to go for higher education, and there are much more scholarship out there, but playing truancy, skipping lectures, going class late are our returns. I believe if they are given the chance to go for school, they will be ready at 9am if their class started at 10am. Because they appreciate what they have. 

     至于我们,常常埋怨这个讲师不够好,很多assignments , 学校离宿舍太远懒惰走路。而那些小孩根本没有这些机会因为他们连拥有的机会都没有。Stop complaint and make a change !!!!  If you have the time to complaint about something, then you have the time to do something about it !!  天下不如意的事十常八九, 明天的事有谁知? 

     一个月前,当被告知说要动手术时,眼泪是自然而然的流下来,老天的玩笑也开得太大了吧!想起一个月前推进手术室的我,就无缘无故的在我肚子被打几个洞。当被推进去的时候,我突然大哭了起来,家人看见我当时的害怕也为我感到心痛而流泪,那种感受,我相信没人能体会。我当时在想进去了出得来吗,虽然是小小的手术,可是难免会有一定的风险。考验也这样的过了,经过那次后,所看的东西也而然不同,也看开了许多, 不再去执着那些不应该执着的。因为当事情发生时,你所看到的,是那些关心你的真心。家人还是最棒的~ 当然还有朋友~~  = )  .. 因祸得福,我相信明天会更好 ~ 用心去体会,有心去看看这个世界~有些东西不是你表面所看到的, 珍惜你所拥有的~  =)

     Wow it's late now, will update again when my " Kik " comes ~ good night peeps~ 

Sunday 15 July 2012

15/7/2012 ( Sunday )

It's hard to forget someone who gave you so much to remember ~~

Friday 13 July 2012

Three out of Six~~ :')

      It has been a long time we never go out together ady.Ya, 6 of us~When i busy having exams in KL, then they having holidays; when i'm goyang kaki at home leh, then their turn to be busy, why the holidays cant be the same leh i wonder??? hmmm :'(  I miss them so much ~~~

     Finally after rotted at house so long, I was so happy when Sia called me ( just like my 救星 arh ), tomorrow (13/7/2012) is her birthday, so we decided to go Library and celebrate her birthday :). At first thought it will be 6 of us going, but in the end just 3 of us and Vivien so total is 4 of us~ ^^

     After Library, then we drive all way long to Bukit Beruang Old Town to continue celebrate birthday and chit chatting, we talk like nobody else and laugh like a boss !!!! wakaka~ these are what we used to do~ biasa larh!!!! These were how crazy we used to be~~

Happy 21st birthday~~

Normal and nice picture~~ ^.^

Rockzzzz.. this pattern was I learned in Uni, as you can see almost all my pictures with coursemates are having this " Rockzzz posezzzzz " hahaha!!!!

Sweet 18 always~~ love always ~~
     Now I'm looking forward for our 6 ppl gathering dinner~ 久违了~~~ :) :) :)

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Is all about travel~~ :)

Oh no, i really wish to travel so much. I wish to go Taiwan, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan. But sadly all these need $$$$ which i actually don have. Arh sad :'( !!!! By the way, i actually went Taiwan 3 years ago which was on 2009. It was a nice place as everyone speaks our own language which are Mandarin and Hokkien. As i remembered i experienced earthquake there when i was in Gao Xiong. Wow, what a nice experience huh!!!
I miss Taiwan!!!!!

This is 野柳 ~~

 Wow what a forgettable memory!!! I met nice people at nice place there.
Okay i actually missed a chance for student exchange to Korea last semester, i think i will grab the chance in the next semester. It's actually sponsor by our university and we just have to pay 30% for the flight ticket which is around RM 400 to Korea. Aiya, what a waste!!! Nevermind, it will wait for me in the next semester :) !!!!
So my next trip is Sabah trip? to go or not to go? actually is can go or cannot go? :( I really wish to go leh, on behalf for myself. Just wish to go out "san san sam". 

Wow all these photos are so attractive !!! How am i not going to be distracted by all these photos you tell me la hahaha~ ^^  Awesome!!!! Can go or cannot go leh? Let's see ~~~ :)

Tuesday 10 July 2012


在现实生活中也一样,有幸福也有痛苦,有欢乐就会有悲伤,有情感就会有烦恼,有得到更会有放弃,有希望就会有失望,还有,很多...很多..........的无奈,无奈 ~ ~ ~  :)

Monday 9 July 2012



Sunday 8 July 2012





Monday 18 June 2012

Yahoo!!!!!!! It's holidays~

     Wow~ i no need to wake up early in the morning and go for lecture class for another 2 months+++ .. Oh yes, my sem break started. I start to miss my coursemates liao~ oh my god.. they came for 3 days and 2 nights trip in Malacca and I be the tour guide to bring them around. Can you believe it? haha..frankly speaking Malacca really got nothing to visit, what i know is just bring them for food. Haha they said this is a weighting gaining and fattening trip. LOL..

1. 台湾排骨面
2. 三叔公 (Durian Cendol )
3. Capitol Satay Celup
4. Bak Siham at bunga raya
5. Chicken rice ball
6. nyonya laksa ( baba's low 486 )
7. ice ball ( tengkera )
8. portugese settlement seafood
9. dim sum ( bachang )
10. satay ( melaka raya )
11. coconut milk shake (klebang)
12. Baba charlie nyonya kuih
13. nadeje ( Mahkota Parade )
14. Popiah
15. Asam pedas
16. Mee Siam
17. Pineapple tart

Wow it's really a fattening trip man, i feel i'm gaining weight too. But it's really worth. It's really a nice and memorable trip with you guys~ love you all so much coursemate!!!! Material is one~ materials power!!!!!! rockszzzz!!!!!!!!! Ok now it's time to plan what to do for this almost 3 months holidays~ work? I would like to say no!!!!!!!!! XD

Monday 21 May 2012



     Wow, anyway final is near, but seem the environment is so cold now, seem like no one care about final? btw i feel i'm lucky enough because my group has no more lab report to be completed while others are still struggling with their works. Opps, i'm not laughing at them but i'm just feel lucky for myself due to the schedule.

     Well i think i shouldn't spend time on blogging anymore since there is not much time left. Crystal imperfection and structure; thermodynamics and algebra really drive me crazy~ crystal is a new subject and there are no pass questions can be referred, OH NO !!!!!!!!!! Well, what to do no choice la ~ just pia for it la..this course really tough arh!!!
     You are not cloned but are created individually; nothing is perfect even our fingers are not of the same size and length but each perform different functions~ i found this quote from my essays book, and i found it's so meaningful. 尺有所短,寸有所长 ; 物有所不足,智有所不明~ everyone has their own strength~


Thursday 17 May 2012


I have a great day today. I went for sing k session from 2pm to 7pm. It really help me to relief myself though. I wish to thanks my course mate, i know they really worry about me so much and they wish to accompany me to go through all this. Seriously i really appreciate what they did. Although final is near but they still wish to spend time wish me. I glad to have them as my course mate. Yes, i know final is near, OPH, what you need to do now is study, not for anyone is for yourself. Really study is the right thing you need to do now, after final there is lot time for you to settle your problems. Well, i really need to concentrate on my studies anyway. I have 堕落 for about 5 days, 5 days have wasted just like this. I really have to do something on this if not i really feel so sorry to myself and my parents. 父母养了你二十多年,不是要你在一个人面前受委屈... Sorry mummy, i really have no courage to tell you my problem and i just don't want you to worry about me. This will make me stronger and tougher, i will grow up better after this hardship. There are many things waiting for me to do. 我希望,这世界因为有了我,而会有一点点的不一样 ~

Besides, i really want to thank my best friend, Ah Pek who accompany me gone through all this and sorry for letting you worry about me. I shouldn't be so selfish.. I never think of how much you all worry about me. Really, 谢谢你们,爱我的每个人~ and because you all, i have the courage to stand up again!!! 感恩有你们的陪伴 ~